Mastering Emotional Intelligence in Youth Sports

If people who lead in youth sports—coaches, team captains, players and parents—are emotionally intelligent, they’re well-suited to lead a team through its ups and downs.

In fact, emotional intelligence competencies are better predictors of how well kids and adults will do in sports and their careers than IQ,  said Caleb Chambliss, a licensed mental health counselor, leadership coach and athlete development specialist.

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The Focused Sports Kid

“The Focused Sports Kid” helps sports kids who get easily distracted and can’t maintain their focus in competition. In this program, you and your athlete learn concentration-boosting strategies to help young athletes develop laser focus during competition. “The Focused Sports Kid” is two programs in one. You get a manual and Audio program for parents/coaches, and a PDF workbook and audio programs for young athletes.

“We just completed the first ten tips, it has helped tremendously for (our daughter) and us. We’ve learned to keep our behavior and comments in check. She’s letting mistakes happen and not worrying about them, she’s now just moves on to the next play with the same attitude as before the mistakes. She’s playing more aggressively all game. Her coach even mentioned that whatever we are doing, keep doing because it’s working.” ~Scott, Sports Dad

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