What Sport Parents Should Avoid
Lisa Cohn here from KidsSportsPsychology.com.
I admit it. I said and did all the wrong things with my first young athlete, especially before a game.
Long before we got in the car, I’d start talking about the last game. I’d talk about how big the players were, how the coaches yelled, or about my son’s mistakes.
All huge sports parent and mental game no-nos.
But that wasn’t all. In the car, I’d keep talking. I’d remind my son about what he should do, what he shouldn’t do, and how he should get more playing time.
Even worse mental game no-nos.
Eventually, my son learned to deal with me by putting his headphones on in the car and listening to music that helped calm and focus him before a game.
And eventually he explained to me that I was a huge distraction. That’s why he needed the headphones.
Sports parents, you can learn from my mistakes by checking out our latest article about preparing young athletes before a game…
It’s called “Helping Sports Kids Cope with Pre-Game Distractions,” and if you’re an exclusive member of Kids’ Sports Psychology, you get instant access to it — along with Articles 1 and 2 in this series.
Related Articles on Kids’ Mental Game:
- How Kids Can Learn to Make the Most of Mistakes While Competing
- When Athletes Only Dwell on Post Game Mistakes
- Addressing Anxiety, Mistakes and Low Confidence in Youth Sports
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