Youth Sports Psychology Articles

What Young Athletes Learn From the Mindset of Olympians

Olympic Lessons

Mental Toughness Lessons From Olympians With the start of the summer Olympics, kids and teens have lots to learn from Olympians—dedication, perseverance and courage, for example. Daniel B. Peters, PhD., a psychologist who specializes in children and families, notes that many Olympians begin their training in early elementary school, even … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How Sports Moms Help Dads Build Kids’ Confidence

sports parents treatment

The Difference Between Moms and Dads as Sports Parents In the 1960s, youth football coach R. “Bob” Benjamin Jordan was upset by the way the dads behaved on the sidelines. “Dads had strong opinions that were different from the coaches,” he recalls. They were vocal and critical of the coaches. … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How Parents Can Help Young Athletes Improve Focus

Boosting Focus

Concentration Tips For Young Athletes Parents, do your kids focus on the score, their statistics, or other outcomes in sports? If so, you can help them avoid the problems associated with these types of focus. When kids focus too much on the outcome, they can’t concentrate on the process. In … Read Sport Psychology Tip