Sports Parenting

Helping Perfectionistic Sports Kids

How Overuse Injuries Affect Athletes’ Mindset

Overcoming Perfectionism in Youth Sports Often, we hear from parents who worry about young athletes who are too hard on themselves. You’re likely familiar with these types of athletes. They’re perfectionists! Perfectionists athletes criticize themselves for making mistakes, often hold very high expectations for themselves, and get frustrated easily after … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How to Boost Kids’ Sports Confidence

Youth Sports Psychology

Helping Sports Kids With Confidence We often see kids who excel in practice, but freeze up during games. This can be frustrating and confusing for parents and coaches. What’s going on in the young athlete’s mind and what can sports parents and coaches do about it? First, sports parents and … Read Sport Psychology Tip

The Ultimate Sports Parent Radio Show

Ultimate Sports Parent Podcast

The Ultimate Sports Parent Podcast We recently received an email for John about The Ultimate Sports Parent Radio Show (podcast). Here is what John had to say… “Lisa, I listening to several of your podcast and found them very interesting. However, the suggestions given by your guests are very slanted … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How Does Perfectionism Hold Back Kids in Sports?

Youth Sports Psychology

Perfectionism in Youth Sports One of the biggest challenges for young athletes today is: They try to be too perfect with their performance. They try to have the perfect game or match. Don’t get us wrong… There are some advantages to perfectionism. Perfectionist kids have a strong work ethic, are … Read Sport Psychology Tip