Patrick Cohn

Mastering Emotional Intelligence in Youth Sports

Building Confidence in Athletes

If people who lead in youth sports—coaches, team captains, players and parents—are emotionally intelligent, they’re well-suited to lead a team through its ups and downs. In fact, emotional intelligence competencies are better predictors of how well kids and adults will do in sports and their careers than IQ,  said Caleb Chambliss, a … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Helping Sports Kids Combat Negative Thinking

Building Confidence in Athletes

Posting notes at home, trying hypnosis and passing a ball from the left hand to the right are three ways sports kids can combat negative thinking. These techniques are designed to help kids’ minds switch from negativity to positivity, said Ignacio Segovia, a psychologist, certified hypnotherapist and mental performance coach who … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Debunking Myths About Mental Training for Kids

Debunking Myths About Mental Training for Kids

Truth About Mental Training for Kids Do your athletes avoid mental coaching because they don’t understand it? To help your athletes, you must first know why athletes avoid mental coaching… Based on our survey with sports parents, a whopping 53% of the parents said their athletes resist mental training–for many … Read Sport Psychology Tip